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Monday, August 1, 2011


It's time to draw a line in the sand. To not just stand my ground, but push forward. To conquer, once and for all, a nemesis so complete in arsenal, and so focused in it's purpose, that a lesser man may crumble. I refuse. I refuse to destroy myself in a battle that has become a stalemate so unbreakable that I feel myself standing in a muddied French field. But as with all stalemates, something always has to break. It's foolish to wait for an opportunity that may never present itself. It's cowardly to accept a situation as hopeless. The only option is to prepare myself to take control. To become so powerful as to be irresistible.
In THE ART OF WAR, Sun Tzu teaches two important principles. For complete victory one does not destroy an enemy, but forces an enemy to bend to their will without confrontation. And for certain victory one must not only know themselves, but know their enemy.
And so as the boffins are despatched, and research begins, the complete picture of my enemy will be revealed. Meanwhile, preparations have begun. To fight the ultimate war, I need to become the ultimate warrior. To live life by a code of perfect health and extreme levels of fitness. Reconstructing my near comatose body into a tower of strength.
To transform myself into an unstoppable machine is, however, only part of the solution.
Bruce Wayne doesn't win the battle just by donning the hood and cloak. There is still a war to be won, and failure is not an option.
So, Lachlan, playtime is over. Your reign is at an end. Soon you will feel the sickening pang in your stomach that only those on the precipice of a plunge into insignificance feel. The frustration you will feel as your screams seem only to calm me into even more soothing tones will be unbearable. Shouting over me as I relentlessly read through the adventures of Bilbo Baggins will only serve my goal of seeing you tire. Your submission as I crush your will to complain will be complete. You cannot escape this fate. Your only option will be to accept me as ruler of your world.
In years to come, I sincerely hope our two great nations can form a prosperous relationship, built on mutual respect. With that will come a utopian world for both of us.
Until then.....prepare for war.

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