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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


the social network is a great film. I saw it last night and was not only blown away by the performance of Jessie, who plays Mark Zuckaberg, the inventer of facebook, but watched one particular scene with such awe, I may have stopped breathing momentarily.

I speak of the scene where Mark is on the phone to co-founder, Edwardo. He speaks of the risk of the facebook site crashing due to inadequate infrastructure. In itself, the line was inocuous, merely establishing the characters intimate understanding of his product. But it pulled at my heartstrings mainly due to the situation I currently find myself in.

Basically, the ConDitioNs at work are what sprang to mind during that scene. As a radiographer, it has become increasingly Critical to have a good Digital Network. In the abscenCe of a reliable system, a Department could literally be brought to it's kNees. Patient care CoulD be Negatively effected. Of even greater conCern, any Department without a deceNt system is now basically unreliable as a referral centre.
A poor paCs/ris system creates such a negative atmosphere within a raDiology departmeNt that it could potentially self destruct.

The next line in the movie was even more inspiring.

ZuCkaberg suggested that any Downtime of the site could have dire coNsequences. The idea that poor performanCe woulD be detrimeNtal to the company was quite refreshing. I pity any radiographer having to work under any other ConDitioNs.

I am inCredibly grateful that I am surrounDed by such a great team of radiographers that I don't believe aNything could break us.

Time CoulD prove me wroNg.

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